Humane Help to Last a Lifetime
Giving up is the birth of regret.
-Deshauna Barber
Certified Canine Fear Abatement Experts & Certified Fearful Dogs Professionals
Contact these professionals for fee-based, specialized assistance.
In addition to providing programs to the general public and organizations, The Fearful Dogs Project trains qualified behavior consultants and trainers in effective, anti-aversive services designed specifically for fearful dogs and their caregivers. Upon graduating the rigorous Fear Abatement Mastery program at a 95% to 100% level and before being awarded certification, every CCFAE and CFDP also signs an anti-aversives code of conduct & ethics agreement.
To help us ensure quality, the public is also encouraged to share its experiences with us privately regarding working with our consultants.
(Note: With the exception of the instructor, these professionals are private service providers, not staff / volunteers of The Fearful Dogs Project.)
Rain Jordan - PNW USA, & via private, live
VCs in all states and some countries
Certified Behavior Consultant & Trainer
CFDP & CCFAE Program Instructor/Mentor
7 Important Qualities to Demand in a Fearful Dogs Expert
1. The practitioner should be a confirmed anti-aversives professional.
2. The practitioner should work at the dog’s own pace, valuing the dog's comfort rather than speedy (often suppression-based) results.
3. The provider should be mainly a canine fear abatement and prevention expert whose main focus is anti-aversive interventions. (The provider should not be mainly an "obedience" or "manners" trainer, nor a group trainer. Treatment for trauma and serious fear in dogs should not done in group classes.)
4. The practitioner should be an expert on traumatized and extremely fearful dogs. For example:
-Has a lengthy, successful working history with myriad extremely fearful dogs, including feral dogs in captivity and other human-
avoidant (e.g., unapproachable and untouchable) dogs.
-Has great depth & breadth of formal education in resolving extreme fear in dogs anti-aversively. (Not just attending prerecorded
webinars and self-paced, unmentored courses.)
-Has great depth & breadth of direct experience living with as well as working with extremely fearful dogs and their guardians (including
a large number of large dogs rather than exclusively or mostly small dogs).
-Understands the nuances of fear-based behavior in dogs rather than relying on labels such as “fear aggression."
5. The practitioner should be justifiably confident in the possibility of anti-aversively abating a variety of behaviors based in extreme fear,
and of teaching you to avoid the development of new fears and fear-based behaviors in your dog.
6. If the provider/practitioner suggests medication, it is to make the dog's experience more comfortable and safe-feeling, not simply to
make the provider's efforts easier.
7. The practitioner’s certification should be rare, extraordinary, and hard-earned rather than common and easily obtained. (See Certification
versus Certificate infographic below.)